A Guide to Dream Interpretation



1. Enjoy your journey: December 4, 2009 Reader Views"www.readerviews.com" 5 stars

Reviewed by Paige Lovitt for Reader Views (12/09)         

Dreams have meanings. "Dragon's Treasure" takes us on a quest to teach us how to interpret the symbols that are in dreams we experience, when we are either awake or asleep, to help us access our inner worlds. The author, R.J. Cole, is a retired child psychologist who utilizes his years of experience to help us on our path. He sees the real world as being a "waking dream" in which we are continuously creating our own universe. He notes that if we see how society affects us, then we can act more out of our consciousness to create the world that we want. By gaining an understanding of both worlds this information can "be used for individual healing, understanding and development."


"Dragon's Treasure" is told in first person. Cole tells us about many of his own dreams and his interpretations of them. He also discusses and references the ideas of others who can provide additional information to help us on our quest. There are many contemplative quotes interspersed throughout the book. I found these to be deep and meaningful. The book also includes a dream dictionary for quick reference. It is recommended that we keep a dream journal next to the bed so that we can record our dreams upon awakening.


It is amazing how much more vivid my dreams became while I was reading "Dragon's Treasure." I felt like there was an aspect of my "self" that was reaching out to me knowing that I now have the tools to gain a better understanding of my inner world. I am very interested in seeing where my journaling will now take me. I am sure that other readers will also experience this. Enjoy your journey!


 2. 5.0 out of 5 stars Greater Self-AwarenessJanuary 1, 2013



"Reading The Dragon's Treasure [HB] was a multi-year journey for me, not because it was laborious, but because it took me on a fascinating discovery of my dreams and, subsequently, myself, that I didn't want to rush.

After I started reading it, an unexpected consequence was a seeming increase in dream activity. Or perhaps, it was a dramatic increase in dream awareness and retention. As a chronic insomniac with very irregular sleep patterns, I ALMOST began looking forward to waking up as I would regularly need note taking tools to record my dream fragments.

The 63-page dictionary of thematic elements and their suggested meanings was insightful and thought-provoking, although the context of the individual's experience and Sitz im Leben gives meaning to themes and imagery. Dr. Cole issues the following "Dream Dictionary" caveat: "Remember that to be meaningful, these symbols need to resonate for you and should not be taken verbatim." (203)

Negatively, I found the mixture of endnotes & footnotes confusing. As one who looks up endnotes, I would have preferred the exclusive use of footnotes to minimize disruption of flow.

I rarely read a book more than once, but I intend to read this one again in 2013. Knowing one cannot read the same book twice, I look forward to (re)reading its pages having had my thoughts and dream analysis impacted from the first journey through it.

I'm not a fan of the "self-help" genre of books, but do appreciate those that foster "self-awareness," which The Dragon's Treasure did for me. For that reason, among others, I recommend it to those interested in dreams, their dreams, and themselves."


3.  Feb 4,2010

 Good Books, Lectures, and Workshops: http://merritt11.com/id4.html 


The Dragon's Treasure, A Dreamer's Guide to Inner Discovery by R. J. Cole. Better than I was willing to give him credit for at first look. I am so used to Jeremy Taylor's intellectual constructs that I had trouble shifting gears. It was published quite recently in October 2009. He gives a beautiful recap of the fundamental issues in the business in his last three chapters that is a real joy to read.

Lauren Merritt (Valley Presbyterian Poet Laureate, DreamWork Resources)  



4. August 3, 2010

5.0 out of 5 stars

Soul recovery


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This review is from: The Dragon's Treasure: A Dreamer's Guide to Inner Discovery Through Dream Interpretation (Paperback)

Poses some interesting questions regarding who we are. This book gave me some good ideas on how to use dreams

to better understand myself as well as to get a better handle on what is going on around me. It also does a good job

with the idea that the world really is magic. But in my opinion what it does best is to highlight the soul and what one

can do to nourish it, or heal it. It has a nice dream dictionary too, though I would have liked it to be broader.

I would recommend this book to anyone who wants to better understand their dreams and to work with them.




                          Review for the Archipelago of Dreams  




Indie Book Review: The Archipelago of Dreams: The Island of the Dream Healer

The Archipelago of Dreams: The Island of the Dream Healeris an allegorical spiritual journey from the real world into a spirit world where the idea of reality is challenged. Robert's voyage begins as a road trip with his family in Wisconsin, but he ends up crossing a darkened lake and falling into the Otherworld of the Spirit of Man. He leaves his body behind, allowing his spirit to travel freely with the guidance of a wizard mentor. The balance that keeps humankind from destroying itself has been fatally tipped. Robert is our only hope for survival. He must search for a Healer who can correct the imbalance before it's too late.

R.J. Cole takes elements from Celtic, Native American, and symbolic fantasy to tell the story. Many cultures utilize Waking Dreams as a way to explore beyond the physical realm into the realm of internal discovery and transformation. It also challenges what we consider reality and continually pushing beyond the limits of the concrete into something more than physical existence. Then it also has the societal implication that even though we are imperfect beings that we have more of an impact on this world than we realize. We chase a star where a star should not be and really it is in us all along where it should be. All we need to learn is to recognize and allow it to shine forth.


It's very different from other books I have read. It's not a true fantasy in the traditional sense. Allegory would be the closest thing I could relate it too, but that doesn't seem to describe it precisely either. Think of it as someone describing a dream in the first person, but more substantial, more detailed, more action orientated than that.

It had a nice flow to it, well edited, and it kept me interested for the most part. The only criticism I have is towards the end. I won't go into too much detail. But in the second to last chapter he lingers too long and it didn't jibe with the urgency of getting back home. It was the only place where I felt a disconnection with the character. Wouldn't he be anxious to get back home to his family?

Other than that little snag the rest of it was interesting and I would recommend it to a certain type of reader. Not everyone is going to like it. Those that are hard core traditional fantasy fanatics wouldn't care for it at all. I would recommend it to a reader who is interested in thought provoking fantasy and into spiritual lore.  

220 Pages


ISBN: 9781450291873

Published April 2011


Soft Back $15.95

Hard Back $25.95

E-Book $9.99